Prediction Registry

Scheduled Regular Events

Scheduled Unique Events
Unpredictable Events
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At first we could only say "Nothing to report, at present. We'll use the opportunity to invite you to make hypotheses." In the meantime, a number of people have made suggestions or asked about some moment in time, without wishing to qualify it as a formal hypothesis. These "non-formal explorations" have been very informative and interesting. They are gathered in the Exploratory Studies page. If you want to make a formal hypothesis, be sure you have a good understanding of the basic idea of the GCP, and on that basis make a hypothesis that can be tested against the data. If you are an experienced html programmer, we would like to have a form that could be used to enter hypotheses. If you have skills in perl or other scripting languages, you may be interested in the next step, namely, automatic analysis of data corresponding to hypotheses. Write to Roger Nelson if you want more information.

Scheduled Regular Events

Scheduled Unique Events
Unpredictable Events
Other Events

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