Original Plan

A General Description and Proposal  
Prepared April 30, 1998
Last edited July 26, 1998  


A. Background
B. Organization
C. Logistics
D. Personnel
E. Timeline
F. Budget

F. BudgetD. Personnel imeline . Budget

We will start with a small implementation using a few sites -- one for each of the EGG planning group, to build and test the primary acquisition and communication software. The expected cost for this Phase 1 will be approximately $12,000. Phase 2, with the growth of the network to approximately 30 eggs, will cost an additional $25,000. We will determine the viability of Phase 3 before committing to a specific budget. A number of factors can alter the budget greatly, including, for example, the possibility that equipment or Internet connection might be donated, or the possibility that the Planning Group may determine that it is essential to have continuous, and hence more expensive connections at all sites. If you need further information to consider offering financial support, we will provide details.

A. Background
B. Organization
C. Logistics
D. Personnel
E. Timeline
F. Budget

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