Nasdaq Peak March 24 2000

Following an inquiry (in June, 2004) by Jeff Mishlove about the possibility of correlation between the GCP data and stock market indicators, we examined the Nasdaq Peak that occurred on March 24 2000. The possibility of a comprehensive correlational assessment remains in the future, but this peak was particularly noteworthy, and we thought it worth a try to see if it might yield to more focused examination. For the exploration, the whole day was used, since I did not have more precise timing. The graph below shows the result. There is no obvious trend or substantial peak in the GCP data on the 24th. For context, though it isn't feasible to make a direct comparison, a graph of the Nasdaq pricing over several months is also shown, with the peak on March 24 2000 marked.

GCP data March 24 2000

Nasdaq Peak March 24 2000

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