Project Funding |
Tax Deductible ContributionsIf you wish to donate a substantial amount, please read the information about contributions through IONS.
PayPal ContributionsFor amounts up to $1000, it is convenient to use the PayPal link below. This does not directly give you documentation for tax purposes. Please contribute to the GCP fund administered by IONS if you wish to use the tax deduction. Please let me know if you have any difficulty.
Since Paypal does not like frames, there may be a problem. You can go to a non-frames donations page by putting the following URL in your browser:
Acknowledging our ContributorsYou can be included in a List of Contributors if you wish.
Examples of projects you can help fundVolunteers power the GCP. Most of what we have done over the past 8 years is the product of creative contributions of time and expertise by skilled people. It is a remarkable achievement. On the other hand we have ideas and plans that require larger commitments than we can ask of volunteers, and to accomplish those purposes, we seek donations to fund time and equipment. Here is a list of projects, with rough estimates of their cost. Please ask for more information if you are interested in helping with any of these.
Thank you very much for your support. |