FieldREG at Avebury and Stonehenge

The only two significant local readings on the FieldREG were at Avebury. The first time we visited, after lunch on the 21st, I went to the area Joachim and Hans were preparing for the meditation on the 22nd. I was there for about an hour and the data collected during that time was significantly deviant. During the meditation on the 22nd, there was a long flat period, and just as with the GCP readings, the last part of the hour (about 20 minutes) had a steep slope of deviation, reaching significance at about midnight.

None of the periods while we were in the crop circles showed significant deviations (though I mistakenly thought so at one time -- I had confused it with the time we were at Avebury in the afternoon). Neither the Long Barrow nor Stonehenge showed a persistent (and thereby significant) departure from expectation while we were visiting. The Stonehenge data seemed to have several periods of strong trends, but was not consistent over the hour and a half.

In all these cases, I think the appropriate interpretation should be in terms of group consciousness. In Avebury, especially on the 22nd, there was a clear and intended gathering and linkage of the group. At Stonehenge I thought there might have been a shared consciousness, but we were all looking for our own personal contact with the stones, and connecting with them rather than the group. And there was (for me and perhaps others) the distraction of the balloonists' frequent whooshing.

Finally, the data are always subject to the low signal to noise ratio I have mentioned before. This means that real signals may sometimes be buried in noise, and also that the noise may occasionally masquerade as signal. Repetition is golden, but with only one or two samples it is difficult to make confident interpretations. I would say, however, that the general picture of Avebury and Stonehenge given in the local and the GCP data is of a resonant bonding of the people and the ancient sacred sites.

The following graph, of data from Egg 2006, the closest one in our network to Stonehenge, shows two really strong slopes that in effect cancel each other. But the strength and consistency of the trends are unusual, and are in themselves typical of the correlated departures from expectation we find in the FieldREG and EGG data.

FieldREG at
Avebury and Stonehenge

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